McLean Post 270
Post 270 was established in 1946 after a group of local WWII-era
veterans met at the McLean Firehouse for the purpose of forming an
American Legion Post in the community. The Post was granted its
charter as a duly recognized American Legion Post in December 1949.
plot of land was purchased and a Post Home was later constructed on
our present site at 1355 Balls Hill Road (next to Langley School). The
Post served as an early center of activity in McLean with its popular
outdoor social functions and organized athletic events for area youth.
with more than 300 members, McLean Post 270 continues to serve the
community through its sponsorship and participation in a variety of
American Legion sanctioned programs that emphasize Americanism,
Children and Youth, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation.
meet monthly to hear informative guest speakers, conduct business,
administer our programs, and to enjoy the company and fellowship of
our members. Military rank plays no role in our organization and
officers are elected based upon their willingness to serve. We
regularly socialize through functions such as dinners and
get-togethers on special occasions. Our Post Home is a non-smoking
facility, does not have a bar, and is wheelchair accessible.
are supported in our efforts by the women of McLean Unit 270 of the
American Legion Auxiliary comprised of mothers, wives, sisters and
daughters of eligible veterans.
our fund-raising efforts - such as our popular citrus sales – the
Post raises the funds necessary to provide financial support to our
many worthwhile programs, activities, and events.
are the Nation’s leaders in promoting patriotic holidays and
observances. We proudly supported the Flag of our Country in time of
crises, and we continue to support it in time of peace. We are strong
advocates of our democratic form of Government, its Constitution, and
in the necessity of a strong military force to maintain peace. We know
the price of freedom, and we are proud of doing our part in helping
preserve American’s freedom.